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Terms that regulates procedures to obtain local taxi driving license in the city of Granada

On 11 April 2016 publicates the edict with the terms of the announcement for the exam to obtain the local taxi driving license.

You can check up the full text of the Edict in the Edict section of the Electronic Office at

The requests can be submitted within 20 calendar days from the day after the publication of the call in BOP.

Terms that regulates this call are:


The objective of these terms is to regulate the procedure to obtain local driving license of taxi vehicles assigned to local licenses of taxi vehicles, that refers art. 29 of Regulation of Public Transport Services of Passengers in Private Cars, approved by Decree 35/2012, of 21 february, and art. 40 and followings of the Regulatory Ordinance of the Public Transport Service of Passengers in Taxi vehicles in the city of Granada.

To obtain this local permission will be neccesary requirement to practise the professional activity of taxi driver.p>

SECOND: Requirements of applicants

2.1. Legal persons that want ot obtain local permission of taxi driver in the city of Granada, must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Be 18 years age and not exceed legal age of retirement..
  2. Hold a driving license adequate issued by the trafic and road safety department (driving license B or over and the BTP authorization).
  3. Hold an Secondary school graduate or equivalent, or in absence of it, the certification of professional qualification, according to the National System of Qualifications and Proffesional Training, when it is available a proffesional training certificate, certificate of professional standard or evaluation of proffesional skills adquired through work experience or non formal ways of education.
  4. Not have infectious contagious disease or physic or physical disability that incapacitate or difficulties the normal use of the proffesion of taxi driver, and not being normal drugs or alcochol user.
  5. Not have criminal registers.
  6. Have payed pertinent fares.

2.2. These requirements must be achieved the last day for submitting applications.

THIRD: Applications

3.1. Those who want to do the tests to obtain the local taxi driver license must applicate, available in the Local Informative Office , District Municipal Board, administrative office of Mobility and General Registry of this City Council, and in the web site of the City Council of Granada as well ( electronic site- processing- applications- Mobility )

3.2. Must be attached to this application the exam fees payment slip, according to article 3 of the Tax Ordinance num.17 that regulates the fee for this exam. This Tax Ordinance literally says:
Local taxi passbook fee: Tax: 94,88€.
However, there must not pay for this fee people being unemployed for more than a month, referred to the date of the publication of the announcement in BOE. This circumstance must be proved with the presentation of the unemployement certificate, issued by the National Institute of Employement or Regional Employement Service corresponding.

3.3. Exemptions and Bonuses.

  1. Members of a large family of special category.
  2. In those cases that the taxable person is member of a large family of general category will benefy with a reduction of the 50 %.

To obtain this bonus, the taxable person must prove that circumstance with the certificate of being large family of general or special category, as the case may be.

3.4. The accrual of the fee will be when submitting for the corresponding exams, being necessary to pay the fee before processing the application, not being acceptable to pay in a subsequent phase. The lack of this test payment slip within this deadline, will determine the exclusion of the applicant. So, not being admitted gives the right to refund the fees, previously requested by the person concerned.

3.5. The application forms addressed for His Excellency Major, should be submitted within twenty calendar days of the following date of the publication of the extract of the call on BOP. Applications could be submitted : at the General Registry, located in the Administrative Complex of Mondragones ( Fuerzas Armadas Avenue, 4), and at District Municipal Boards located in Plaza del Carmen 5 ( Center), Andrés Segovia 60 ( Zaidín), Carretera de Málaga 100 (Chana), Cuesta de Santa Inés 6 (Albayzín), Ciudad de los Carmenes Square 1 ( Beiro), Cervantes Avenue 29 (Genil), Jesús Escudero García Square 2 (North), Illusion Square s/n ( Ronda I) and Marqués de Mondéjar 3 ( Ronda II).
also as stablished in the article.38.4 of the Law 30/92 of the Law on Public Administration and Common Administrative Procedure. .

FOURTH: Candidates addmitance..

After the deadline for submitting applications, the Delegate City Councillor for Mobility and Citizen´s Protection will issue a resolution approving the provisional listing of admitted and excluded candidates, with the causes of exclusion and correction period. Also, in this resolution will include the place, date and hour of the exam. This provisional listing of admissions will be shown in the Notice Board of the City Council of Granada (at Plaza del Carmen and at the Administrative Complex of Mondragones) and on the web site of the City Council of Granada, within 5 bussiness days after the deadline for submitting applications. Then the Delegate Councillor for Mobility and Citizen´s Protection will issue resolution approving the definitive listing of admissions and exclusions, with the causes of exclusion, that must be published in the same way that the provisionals did. If no person is excluded on the provisional listing it will not be necessary to publish final listing, considering the first ones as definitives.

FITH: Test.

Test consists of two different parts.

5.1. Test in general subjects, answering 35 three – choice questions, and being only one of these valid. These questions will be about the following subjects:

  1. Knowledge of the municipal area of Granada, its surroundings, public offices, government agencies, health stablishments, hotels, leisure centers, train or bus stations and airport locations, touristic and cultural interest places and the most direct routes to get to the places of destination, and the road network of the province as well.
  2. Knowledge of the Regulatory Ordinance of the Public Transport of Passengers Service on Auto-Taxis Automobiles in the City of Granada, Decree 35/2012, 21 February, that approves the Regulations of the Services of Public Transport of Passengers on Toursim Automobiles and the Law 2/2003, 12 May, of Metropolitan and Urban Transports in Andalusia (only Chapter II “About transport of passengers on tourism automobiles, articles 14 to 18”).
  3. Regime and application of taxi fares.
  4. Special attendance to disabled users, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, 29 November, that approves the Consolidated Text of the General Rights of disabled people rights and their social inclusion (only the art. 22, 23, 27 and 29). Royal Decree 1544/2007, 23 November, that regulates basic conditions of accesibility and no discrimination to acceed and use means of transport for disabled people (only art.8 and annex). Decree 293/2009, 7 July, that approves the regulations that rule tTitle III and Decreto 293/2009, de 7 de julio, por el que se aprueba el reglamento que regula las normas para la accesibilidad en las infraestructuras, el urbanismo, la edificación y el transporte en Andalucía (únicamente del Title II Chapter I and Section III of Chapter III)
  5. Basic knowledge of the current regulation in forms and complaints and defence and protection of consumers and users in Andalusia. Decree 72/2008,4 March, that regulates complaint forms of the consumers and users in Andalusia and administrative actuations related with them.Law 13/2003, 17 December of Defence and protection of consumers and users of Andalusia (only from Title I, Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter V and Chapter VI).

To obtain a listing of the documents related to these set of subjects check the Taxi area at Mobility web site.

5.2. Beginner level english test, consisting on 5 written questions that should be answered translating a small text or answering some questions in english..

5.3. The candidates will have 75 minutes to complete the exam.

5.4. Each test will be graded separately, so the general test means the 75% of the total grade and english test means a 25%. The way to grade the tests will be as follows:

  • General knowledges test: will be eliminating one correct answer for each four incorrect.The total sum will be graded up to 7,5 points (maximum value of the general knowledges test).
  • English test: each question will be graded from 0 to 1, adding the results up to 2,5 points(maximum value of the english test).
  • The total grade of the exam will be the result of add the grade of the general test and the english test being necessary to obtain 5 points to pass the exam.

The Selection Board will take, whenever possible, appropiate measures to guarantee that the test will be corrected and valued without knowing the identity of the candidates.

SIXTH: Development of the exam.

Candidates must go to the exam with a current official ID to certificate their identity (DNI/NIE, driving license or passport). The lack of this ID means the no admission of the candidate for the exam.
To do the exam properly, candidates must use blue or black pen.

During the examination will not be allowed to ask any kind of question to the Selection Boad members related with the contents of the questions.

SEVENTH: Selection Board..

7.1. The Selection Board is formed by four public employees of the Delegated Department for Mobility, one of them will be Chairman, two as board members and one as Secretary, this one with voice and without vote. The selection board can not be formed or act with the absence of the Chairman, Secretary and at least one of the board members.

7.2. The members of the Selection Board should abstain from taking part, notifying it to the Delegated Department for Mobility, when some of the circumstances in the article 28 of Law 30/92, of the Law on Public Administration and Common Administrative Procedure concur.

7.3. The members of the Selection Board will be responsible of the fulfillment of the terms of the call and stablished deadlines to make and grade the tests and to publish the results.

7.4. The Selection Board might have specialist advisors,that will be limited to the exercise of their technical specialities, that mean the basis of their cooperation with the Selection Board members.

7.5. The composition of the Selection Board will be published with the publication of the addmitted and excluded listing.

EIGHTH: Publication of the results and issue of the aptitude certificate for the exercise of the activity.

8.1. The Selection Board will publish the results of the exams within 15 bussiness days, on the Notice Board of the City Council of Granada (at Plaza del Carmen and the Administrative Complex of Mondragones) and on the web site of the City Council of Granada (

8.2. Once qualifications are published, applicants can lodge a complaint for the exam within 10 bussiness days.

8.3. When the exam is pass it will be necessary, for the issue of an aptitude certificate, to submit the following documents, within a month from the publication of the results. The lack of certification , in time and manner of the requirements demanded, will determine the loss of the right obtained.

  1. Certified copy of DNI.
  2. Certified copy of the driving license B class or higher.
  3. Certified copy of Secondary Education Certificate or equivalent, Certificate of Professional Qualification according to the National System for Proffesional Qualifications and Certificate of professional compliances adquired through work experience or non formal educational services issued by the SAE or competent administration.
  4. Certified copy of Secondary Education Certificate or equivalent, Certificate of Professional Qualification according to the National System for Proffesional Qualifications and Certificate of professional compliances adquired through work experience or non formal educational services issued by the SAE or competent administration.
  5. Certificate of criminal records (it could be requested in the Territorial Justice Office in Gran Vía de Colón, number 21,2nd)

8.4. The municipal license of taxi driver will be valid for five years from its obtaining, that could be renewed automatically, for the same period of time and without the necessity of pass an exam.

The municipal license of taxi driver will lose its vigency due to breach of any of the requirements stablished for its obtention or due to the lack of the exercise of the proffesion for a period of one year, uninterrupted or not, within five years.

NINETH: Applicable laws and resources..

This current call and those acts resulting from it, will be governed by the current Law 30/1992, 26 November, of the Law on Public Administration and Common Administrative Procedure, the Law 7/1985, 2 April, Regulatior of Local Regime Basis , the R.D. Legislative 781/1986, 18 April, that approves the Consolidated Text of the Existing Provisions in the Local Regime Basis, the Regulatory Ordinance of Public transport of passengers in Taxi in the city of Granada and the Decree 35/2012, 21 February, that approves the Regulations of the Public Transport of Passengers in Tourism Vehicles.

The call, its terms and as many acts resulting from them, exhaust the administrative channel, so the candidates are able to start an administrative contentious appeal to the Administrative Court, within two months from the day after the publicaton of the call in BOP. However, candidates can start an appeal for reconsideration within a month from the mentioned publication, or any other appeal that they consider appropiate.

You can also check all info about Taxi.


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