Pedestrianization of San Antón Street
From 17 September 2020 San Antón Street is been pedestrianizated (from Alhamar to Recogidas).
According to measures to boost foot displacements and measures to restrict motorized traffic in the city whithin the Low Emmission Area, will be marked as pedestrian one of San Antón´s area from Alhamar St. to Recogidas St. with exception of authorized vehicles conditioned to the following premises:
Installation of "pedestrian street" signals in San Antón Street between Alhamar and Recogidas streets will be on Thursday 17/09/20.
Previously, to ease the exit of vehicles in the section of San Antón Street next to river Genil to Camino de Ronda, on Wednesday 16/09/20 will be enabled two sense of circulation in section of Alhamar Street from San Antón to Mulhacen streets.
There will be two months to formalize authorizations those vehicles that can circulate in this area of pedestrian priority in San Antón to be implemented on 17/9/20.
Vehicles that, with authorization, might get in the pedestrian of San Antón Street will be:
- Vehicles whose title holders own a garage with access only through San Antón. To obtain authorization must be title holders of the car, being the usual driver on DGT or hold the insurance of the vehicle.
Documentación complementaria que habrá de presentarse junto con la solicitud:
* If it is the title holder of the garage and on DGT is the usual driver it will not be necessary to submit additional documents.
* If is the renter of a garage: lease contract.
* If it holds the use of the garage: supporting document.
* If it is not the title holder of the vehicle but holder of car insurance: copy of car insurance.
- Vehicles who acceed to take care of disabled or elderly people registred in San Antón St. that are reasonable justified (must attach medical report) and need help, authoriza the relative´s car.
- Vehicles of Public Service (Police, Ambulances, Fire man, garbage vehicles , taxis -just those whose clients have origin or destination in this pedestrian zone of San Antón-, etc) properly identified for this service. In this case they don´t require specific authorization whenever are exteriorly identified.
- Distribution vehicles for the shops of San Antón, whose M.M.A. is not over 3500kg, on working days between 7:30 and 10:30 hours.
- Client vehicles of hotels located in the section of San Antón to be pedestrianizated (like Hotel YIT Casablanca in Frailes St). The pass of these vehicles will be granted by the hotel using the software application provided by the City Council.
- Any other vehicle, appart from the other mentioned, can be authorized under justified reasons.
Also, sense of circulation in Duende and Verónica de la Virgen streets will be changed.
